About Colleen

Photo by Seher Uzun on Pexels.com

One day, I stumbled across the Japanese word Ikigari. After some research, I discovered iki means life. In Japanese, Gai means worth or value. When these words combine, they form the definition of ikigari, which is life’s worth. It’s often translated or interpreted as a reason for getting up in the morning. So, yes, writing syllabic poetry is my ikigari.

I also believe writing syllabic poetry strengthens our writing skills. When we create poetry, we gain command of language; cultivate a healthy vocabulary, master literary devices such as metaphor, simile, alliteration, hyperbole, and allegory. We learn to work in imagery. We connect with our ikigari.

When I’m not writing poetry or crafting my cozy mysteries, you’ll find me digging in my garden, or playing with my two unicorn cats, Chloe & Sophie. I live in East Lansing, Michigan with my husband—my soul mate. Most days you can find me writing poetry on tankatuesday.com or helping authors create their books on colleenchesebro.org.


by Ken Hume

For 3 score years and 5
On this earth, she’s been alive.
In her writing there is a well
Of knowledge
Where she casts her syllabic spell
Upon her followers & readers
With her poetic teasers
On her Tanka Tuesday
To keep us amused, play
With words & syllables
Help us be more formidable
As poets and wordsmiths
Make sure that they fit
In the right place & verse
Make our poetry more diverse
Encouraging & playful
Hope you had a day full
Of poetry & creativity
Presents and festivities
Thank you for all the time
You give
To help us compose a rhyme
Teaching us how to write & graft
Bewitching us with your WordCraft

Author’s Biography

Colleen M. Chesebro grew up in a large city in the Midwest. Keen on making her own way in the world, she joined the United States Air Force after graduation to tour the world and find herself. To this day, that search continues.

An avid reader, Colleen M. Chesebro rekindled her love of writing poetry after years spent working in the accounting industry. These days, she loves crafting syllabic poetry, flash fiction, and creative fiction and nonfiction.

In addition to poetry books, Chesebro’s publishing career includes participation in various anthologies featuring short stories, flash fiction, and poetry. She’s an avid supporter of her writing community on tankatuesday.com by organizing and sponsoring a weekly syllabic poetry challenge, called #TankaTuesday, where participants experiment with traditional and current forms of Japanese and American syllabic poetry.

In January 2022, Colleen founded Unicorn Cats Publishing Services to assist poets and authors in creating e-books and print books for publication. In addition, she creates book covers for Kindle and print book versions.

Chesebro lives in the house of her dreams in mid-Michigan, surrounded by the Great Lakes with her husband and two (unicorn) cats, Chloe & Sophie.

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I’m Colleen Chesebro, the weaver of enchanting tales on colleenchesebro.org. Here, I conjure magic through prose and poetry, inviting you to join me on a captivating writing journey. Whether it’s the rhythmic verses of poetry or the cozy mysteries that beckon, I’m thrilled you’ve stopped by. 🌸💖🌸



click to Tanka Tuesday.com

Unicorn Cats Services