This is a special review to include all of my reviews for the Harbor Pointe Inn Series. Click the book image to visit the books on Find NEW REVIEWS below…

The Price of Atonement: Harbor Pointe Series Book 1, by Mae Clair

My Recommendation: For a novella, the author packed this book full of interesting characters and events! I read this first book just after Halloween and there are some exceptional chills and thrills!

Imagine… the year is 1887 and we’re standing on the rocky cliffs above the Pacific on the northern coast of California. Nearby, we find an isolated inn and lighthouse. Mystery wraps around the location, and there are whispers of a shipwreck, dark secrets, and a ghost!

We meet Leviticus Sinclair, a man tortured with the horror that he couldn’t stop the murders of his wife and brother. What an interesting protagonist. He carries a pocket watch that shows the time frozen to the exact moment of his wife’s death. He also refers to his Bible often, a constant reminder of what a failure he’s become. Intrigued? So was I!!

Without warning, Leviticus and his assistant, Wyatt, appear at the inn. Next, we discover an angry ghost who terrorizes the residents. Leviticus understands ghosts, and unraveling this spirit’s story helps him to come to grips with his own past deeds. The ghost is terrifying! One of the best ghosts I’ve come across in a long time.

Clair is an accomplished paranormal author. I’ve loved every book she’s written. This was an outstanding beginning to the series.

The Price of Atonement on

The Gift: Harbor Pointe Series Book 2, by Gwen M. Plano

My Recommendation: I wasn’t sure what to expect with this series… but I love the way each author brings another facet of history to the Harbor Pointe series.

The Gift begins with a young woman named Shelly. She’s only sixteen and pregnant—ready to deliver any day. She’s driving her father’s pickup down the highway and finds herself stranded in the middle of a snowstorm.

As the storm rages around her, she gives birth to a baby boy. She knows if they are to survive, they must find shelter. Delirious, she staggers through the snow, looking for safety. As if directed by an invisible force, Shelly finds herself at a lighthouse. There, she is found by Jesse and Mary, the lighthouse keeper and his wife.

The couple does everything to save Shelly and her baby. They have their own tragic story, which seems to connect somehow to this present situation. Jesse and Mary are wonderful characters. They went through so much in their past, but here they are, helping Shelley when she needs it most.

This is a heartwarming tale of love, loss, and new beginnings. After reading this book, you will believe in the power of love (all over again)!

The Gift on

The Destination: Harbor Pointe Series Book 3, by D.L. Finn

My Recommendation: It’s 1967, and best friends, Sandy and Lacey, are on vacation at the Harbor Pointe Inn. Recently engaged, Sandy has decided on a career as an accountant, instead of following her dream of becoming a marine biologist. Lacey insists Sandy should follow her heart. Sandy feels stuck, and feels like she should take the safe way out.

The girls sense a spiritual presence at the inn but don’t understand what it means. Meanwhile, Lacey, the free spirit, meets a man who sweeps her off her feet. But suddenly, things go terribly wrong and Sandy must come to grips with the crisis before her.

I liked the characters and how the author ramped up the tension to keep me reading. This novella was full of unexpected revelations that added to the mystique of Harbor Pointe. The ending was a surprise!

The Destination on

The Seas of Time: Harbor Pointe Series Book, D. Wallace Peach

My Recommendation: The Seas of Time begins with a foreward that takes place in 1858 aboard the ship Zenobia, where a runaway slave attempts to save himself from a certain death.

We flash forward to 1972 and meet Tali, a nineteen-year-old woman of color who wants to leave college to become a civil rights activist. Her parents totally understand the prejudice and racial tensions of the time. Yet, they want her to complete college. But Tali’s stubborn and doesn’t want to give in.

Finally, her parents agree she needs some time off. They suggest she stay at her aunt and uncle’s resort, called the Harbor Pointe Inn. The inn is undergoing renovations, so it’s the perfect place for Tali to think about her future.

The minute she arrives and sees what the caretaker’s cottage looks like, she regrets her decision. Besides, the construction supervisor didn’t hide his contempt at having her there.

In the cottage, Tali finds an ancient Bible. When she reads a particular passage out loud, a portal opens up and a winged creature appears.

This is a fabulous story! I connected with Tali and Zam (Zam, the gargoyle, is quite the character) immediately. This author is one of my favorite fantasy writers. She expertly weaves the themes of prejudice and injustice through the scenes. I felt the character’s pain—it was emotional writing!

The action in this book kept me on needles and pins! As the tension ramped up, I couldn’t put the book down. I loved how the author combined the past and the future to create a new reality! This is another excellent addition to the happenings at Harbor Pointe.

The Seas of Time on

The Edge of Too Late, Harbor Pointe Series Book 5, by Jan Sikes

My Recommendation: The Edge of Too Late is the next book in the Harbor Pointe Series. It’s 1989, and Brandon has big plans for his girlfriend, Angela. He hopes he can finally convince her to marry him. At least, that’s what his plan is… to propose to the love of his life! They head off for the Harbor Pointe Inn, in northern California.

Angela has a problem with accepting Brandon’s proposal, because she isn’t sure about getting married again. Her first marriage was a disaster. She loves Brandon, but worries about making another bad decision. Interestingly, Angela’s dream is to photograph an actual ghost. If you’ve been reading the series, you know the Harbor Pointe Inn might be the place for Angela to capture her ghost photo, as the inn gets its fair share of paranormal activity.

The weekend is fraught with minor tragedies. Plus, some employees around the Inn are definitely unsavory. There’s some great spooky moments!

I enjoyed this quick read. It was a great addition to the series with the right amount of romance and paranormal happenings!

The Edge of Too Late on

A Fathomless Affair, Harbor Pointe Series Book 6, by Staci Troilo

My Recommendation: We meet Lorelei Audley as she arrives at the Harbor Pointe Inn during a blinding rainstorm. With all the rain, it’s hard not to slip-slide into the lobby. Lorelei lands in a heap with her skirt around her waist! She’s broken a heel and banged her head on the floor. But otherwise, she’s fine.

When she meets Porter Barrett, an astronomy student who is staying at the inn, she’s intrigued. Porter is tracking a comet for his thesis. Things get interesting when the comet is linked to the appearance of a ghost ship!

The whole reason Lorelei is at the inn is because she’s in charge of planning her father’s third wedding. When her dad and his new wife arrive the next day, the situation blows up quickly. The man is insufferable. He treats his daughter like she’s his personal servant. Of course, Lorelei and her dad end up in a huge fight!

But then, her father suddenly disappears! Will Lorelei find her dad, or is there something more sinister at play here? And what about Porter?

This is another quick, enjoyable read. I read this book in one evening. This is a sweet romance that everyone will enjoy. I’m really enjoying the Harbor Pointe series.

A Fathomless Affair on

A Death at The Inn: Harbor Pointe Series Book 7, by Joan Hall

My Recommendation: On the anniversary of actress Leah Myers’ death, five guests arrive at the Harbor Pointe Inn. They are all strangers with one thing in common. They all knew Leah Myers.

By this point in the series, we know and expect unusual things to happen at the Inn. Between the sometimes supernatural weather events and the characters working at the Inn, we know what we’re walking into.

First, we meet Leah’s brother, Kevin; a man who is so stressed out by his sister’s death that he can barely cope. His family is shattered at the loss of Leah. He’s angry and looking for revenge. Did Leah’s fiance have anything to do with her death?

Next we meet, Daryl Warren. He was engaged to Leah at the time of her death. He’s such a likeable guy. Clearly, he’s overwrought at Leah’s death. He just can’t figure out why she committed suicide.

What’s really interesting is how the characters draw the same conclusions. Leah would not have committed suicide. That leaves one explanation… Leah was murdered!

The rest of the story unfolds like a murder mystery. There were a few revelations, and I was genuinely surprised.

This story was deeply character driven. There are more characters involved than I’ve revealed in this review. Each character is unique and memorable. The author did an amazing job of advancing the story into the current timeline. I really enjoyed this who-done-it version of the story.

A Death at the Inn on

The Room at the End: Harbor Pointe Series Book 8, by Harmony Kent

My Recommendation: The year is 2072 and the Harbor Pointe Inn is still standing. It’s changed some from what we knew in the past. The government now owns the establishment.

We meet Mia, the old owner of the Inn, who has arrived as part of the Last Sanctuary program. Mia had come here for one reason, and one reason only: to die at her own hands.

Mia Hawthorne suffered an emotional breakdown, following the death of her wife, and has lost everything to a corrupt government. Now, she ends up in the old cottage, where she and her wife, Emily, once lived. But Emily is gone; another suicide victim of the Inn. All Mia wants is to end her life and join Emily on the other side.

Somehow, fate intervenes, and Mia meets the cutest collie puppy she’s ever seen. Slowly, she falls in love with the bundle of fur.

But the Inn has plans for Mia. After a series of hauntings, Mia understands the malevolent forces that haunt the Inn. Will she succumb to the evil forces that have possessed the Inn and lighthouse for hundreds of years?

For an ending to the Harbor Pointe Inn series, this dystopian novella hit the spot. There were so many surprises and a few twists that really made this book different from all the rest!

This book was a quick read, and I finished the story in one night. The author created the perfect ending to the series.

The Room at the End on

If you’re looking for a fun read, try the Harbor Point Inn Series on HERE. Find these authors on

These are 5 STAR reads!

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43 responses to “Colleen’s Kindle: The Complete Harbor Pointe Series”

  1. I agree with every word you have written it’s a fabulous series xx


    1. What a fabulous collaboration between these authors, Carol. I enjoyed every book!


  2. A wonderful collective review post for the best series I have read in ages, Colleen. I have two more yet to read…


    1. The books are fabulous, Jaye. I really enjoyed this series.


  3. Thank you for this Colleen


    1. You’re so welcome, Paul.


  4. Bravo, Colleen, wonderful reviews for these books. Ive only read the first five to date, but have Staci’s coming up soon.


    1. It’s a fabulous collaboration, Robbie. You will enjoy all of the books. xx


      1. I’m making my way through them 🌻


  5. Such good reviews! I’m looking forward to reading these.


    1. Each book is so unique. I love how the authors put this together. It’s impressive work.


      1. It sure is. I couldn’t agree more. 🙂


        1. I love when we all feel the same way.


  6. Oh, my goodness, Colleen! Thank you for the lovely reviews of each of the novellas and the collective series. I’m deeply moved by your kind words. ❤️


    1. Your book was a real standout love story, Gwen. I enjoyed this series so much. You all did a fabulous job!! ❤️


  7. Thank you for the wonderful reviews, Colleen! I’m so glad you enjoyed the series. We sure had fun writing the books. ❤


    1. Joan, you all did such a wonderful job. I enjoyed each of the books. Congratulations to you all. I hope I’m the first to read all the books and review. ❤️


  8. Nicely done, Colleen. This series deserves the attention.


    1. I thought so too. This was a fabulous collaboration.


      1. I’m like you–wanted to wait for the review until I’d finished all 8 books. That last one–Harmony’s–really tied up some lose ends for me.


        1. I reviewed as I went along, but went back and added them all for one big post. I thought the last book was fabulous! This series was very well done.


  9. Oh wow, Colleen! These reviews are amazing! I love the way you showcased the entire series! A huge congratulations to all of us!! Thank you!


    1. You’re so welcome, Jan. I thought this series was fabulous! What a cool collaboration between authors!


  10. Great review thanks Colleen 🙌


    1. You’re so welcome, Ange. xx


  11. What great recommendations. Thanks for sharing these.


    1. You’re so welcome. I wanted to have a complete post with the entire series of reviews. I really liked this idea. Fabulous books by the whole gang.


      1. That caused me to share it a few extra places today.


  12. I haven’t started this series yet because I have a few books I want to read first, but then I’m going to read all of them. They all sound so good! Thanks for sharing your review, Colleen!

    Yvette M Calleiro 🙂


  13. What a great idea to combine all the reviews into one post, and huge thanks for reading all the books, Colleen. That was quite an undertaking and so appreciated. A special thanks for your review of The Seas of Time. Zam and Tali’s relationship was a hoot to write. I’m going to cross my fingers that this comment doesn’t end up in spam! Hugs, my friend.


  14. Congratulations to all the series authors! This was in inspired project that turned out very, very well.


    1. The different author voices made this series a success. It was a brilliant collaboration!


  15. Wonderful reviews, Colleen! Congratulations to each of these authors!


    1. Thanks Beem. You guys have a wonderful crew of writers at Story Empire.


  16. What a great idea, having all the reviews in one place! I’ve bought most of these, thanks for sharing!


    1. Thanks, Nicholas. It was my way of saying thank you to a great bunch of authors.


  17. D.L. Finn, Author Avatar
    D.L. Finn, Author

    Thank you, Colleen for posting all the reviews together. Much appreciated. Xo


    1. My greatest pleasure, Denise. xx


  18. Oh, Colleen. What a lovely surprise. Seeing all the tales reviewed at once gives such a different perspective than one at a time. (I love it both ways, don’t get me wrong.) Thank you for doing this, and for all the kind words. Hugs. ❤️


    1. It was my greatest pleasure, Staci. The entire series together is such a great way to showcase the talents of these authors. ❤️


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