cold thawing winds blow
winter rain paints the windows
flowers of ice gush
rivulets run through snow crust
revealing green grass below

© Colleen Chesebro

This tanka is written for this week’s #TankaTuesday challenge where we entered the season of Deep Cold. My kigo word phrases were: cold thawing winds, and flowers of ice.

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54 responses to “Flowers of Ice, #tanka”

  1. Stunning. I especially love these: “winter rain paints the windows
    flowers of ice gush”


    1. I tried to find an image of how ice looks when it melts… you know, how it has holes and open places? Some of that ice looks like flowers. I couldn’t find a photo. Thanks so much.


  2. You captured it, Colleen!


    1. Thanks, Jan. I can see the green grass. What a great sight.


  3. Oh wow! I love how the thaw is built up and runs through every line until the green grass shows through – that is a poem i would love to be able to write 👏🥰💞


    1. I wanted to create the thaw, so I took it step by step to the end—like a dripping icicle. I went with the flow like descriptive phrases for each line. You can do this, Suzanne. Let each line take you on a journey of word imagery. 💖


  4. Flowers of ice gush – what a beautiful imagery, Colleen! ❤ 🙂


    1. Thank you! I wish I could find a good photo of how the ice melts and looks just like a flower!


      1. That would be very pretty 😍.


  5. lovely imagery and that photo is great too pair with your words, Colleen❣️


    1. Thanks, Cindy. I really like the season word phrase: flowers of ice… it’s so descriptive.


  6. I love the idea of flowers of ice. (K)


  7. So much beautiful imagery, Colleen! I love it!

    Yvette M Calleiro 🙂


    1. Thanks Yvi. I love the patterns of frost and ice. ❄️


  8. beautiful, Colleen 🤍


      1. my pleasure 🤍🙏


    1. Thanks Robbie. It was really lovely to see the delicate ice patterns on the windows.


  9. Such a beautiful scene painted Colleen


    1. Thanks so much, Sadje. Ice and frost on the windows make lovely delicate patterns.


      1. Yes it does though I’ve seen it only a few times


  10. I like the ice flowers.
    I was surprised, too, by how much green was under our melted snow.


    1. Thanks Merril. When it got really cold a couple weeks ago, we had ice and frost on the outside windows. I was surprised at how lovely the patterns looked.


      1. You’re welcome. They are pretty.


  11. I love how you brought the reader into the scene, Colleen. Beautiful imagery.💟


    1. Thanks so much, Eugi. The flowers of ice pattern on the window a couple of weeks ago really got me thinking.


      1. You’re welcome, Colleen.


  12. Almost all of our snow is gone… but the rain, could cause some flooding.

    Ice on glass always makes nice patterns 🙂


    1. Same here. We have rain, and most of the snow is now gone except in the northern shady areas. I like this time of year. You never know what you’ll get.


      1. …like that box of chocolates… ???


  13. What a vivid image this tanka creates! Perfect. Ice and flowers – I love your imaginative spirit Colleen.


    1. Thanks, Balroop. You know the frost and ice you get on your windows in the winter? We had a frigid couple of weeks where we had ice on the outside of the windows. (First time in this house). Anyway, I was captivated by the patterns. Ice flowers is a cool kigo word.


  14. This is so beautiful Colleen it reminds me of my childhood and icicals on the inside of the bedroom window…. Getting dressed under the covers .💜😂


    1. Thanks so much, Willow. This was the first year since we moved to Michigan that it got below zero. I was surprised at the ice and frost on the windows. It’s much more humid here than it is out west. I’m glad you enjoyed. 💜


      1. I did as I said you evoked 💜💜


  15. A nice image….good to read in a heatwave:)


    1. LOL! I bet! It was bitter cold here a few weeks back. We’re above normal now. Such strange weather patterns we’re all having.


  16. Beautiful, Colleen. The imagery is exquisite. ❤️


    1. Thanks so much Gwen. It’s those kigo words. They are the magic sauce of haiku and for our writing inspiration this year. 💜


  17. Good description of where we’re at in Michigan with the season. Rivulets and green grass revealed work well.


    1. Thanks Lisa. It looks like spring, but feels like winter. LOL!


  18. Colleen, I love your imagery! You truly capture the contrast between winter’s grasp and the emergence of spring… I think the phrase “flowers of ice gush” vividly conveys the thawing process 🙂



    1. Thanks David. We had some really pretty ice patterns on the windows this year from the ice and frost. 🌸


  19. This is a lovely tanka, and it reminds me of how much I love the tanka form.


    1. I do too. It’s really a versatile form and when a few are strug together it tells a fabulous poem tale.


      1. Good point. I agree!


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