Tanka Tuesday is all about the spring equinox. In the 24 Seasons of Japan challenge, we’re getting our inspiration from the kigo words. Only Haiku and haibun require the use of kigo words. The other forms do not. However, the challenge asks us to use kigo words in one of the 24 Forms.

Have you noticed how the imagery in your poetry has expanded since you started using the kigo words? I’m impressed!

Here’s the view from my upstairs window this morning, March 22, 2024. It looks like the snow finally found us! It’s 31 F. which is cold!

Spring Dawn, haibun

Heavy snow swirls in the shining wind. Strong gusts blast the pale, delicate florets starting to bud on the pear trees lining the street. Michigan’s lost winter regains its glory, reminding us who really is in charge of the weather.

March—in like a lamb, out like a lion!

the spring dawn
hidden by wet snowflakes
daybreak crow sings

© Colleen Chesebro

Thanks for Sharing!

33 responses to “Spring Dawn, Haibun”

  1. Cray cray Michigan weather. We have s-n-o-w south of you here. My cousin in Saginaw said they were told to expect as much as 7 inches today… nothing to “crow” about! lol

    Liked by 1 person

    1. LOL! It’s crazy indeed! I’m cold. We have to replace the windows in this house (April 2nd). All the seals are broken. It’s been chilly since this cold front moved in. Stay warm and safe, Sis.

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  2. I’m sorry, Colleen. Snow after it’s been warm is the worst–especially the heavy, wet kind. It was in the 20s here overnight, but no snow. We are expecting inches of rain tomorrow though and hoping we don’t have flooding.

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    1. It’s definitely been crazy weather. I look forward to those pear blossoms each year, so I hope they survive the weather. Stay warm, Merril. I hope there’s no flooding.

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      1. You stay warm, too, Colleen. There are some places in this area that flood every high tide, but hopefully there will not be flooding at our house or street!

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  3. Wonderful poem. Pretty picture too. Keep warm and stay safe. 🌷🪻⛄😊

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    1. Thanks, E.C. Brrr… it’s cold.

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  4. Beautiful, Colleen. We’ve snow on the mountains, but at ground level spring has finally arrived. 💗

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    1. How lovely. Today is sunny, but still cold. I expect the sun will melt the snow on the sidewalk. I don’t want to shovel. LOL! 😂

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  5. Brrr! I bet the crow is singing for warm weather and no more snow. It’s gray and mizzly here but warm.💟

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    1. No doubt! We’re sunny today, so the snow should melt. It was very wet.

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      1. Yay, for a sunny day! 🌞

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  6. You set a beautiful scene Colleen 💜

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    1. Thanks, Willow Sis. Today we have snow on the ground, but there are brilliant blue skies and sunshine! Happy Spring.


      1. March is such a strange month , we had sunshine, hail, thunder and then sunshine again today. Temperature was 9c today and tonight will 4c !! 💜💜🤣

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        1. We aren’t even that warm during the day, yet Willow! Maybe this week will be different. LOL! 😂

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          1. Fingers crossed for you 💜💜🤞🤞

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            1. Thanks so much. I’m tired of the up and down. LOL!

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              1. 💜💜💜🤞🤞


  7. Hi Colleen, this is beautifully descriptive. I’ve read three posts today about the change in weather, from warm back to cold.

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    1. We didn’t have much of a winter, so I shouldn’t complain. What’s hard is the warmth and then we swing back to the cold and snow. Brrr!

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  8. I like that first picture Colleen… it speaks volumes for the wait! Realism adds brilliance to poetry and haibun is a fabulous form. You handle it so well.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Balroop. It was a cold, gray, snowy day. I’m so ready for spring. I wish it would quit the tease!


  9. Oh my. I’m so done with snow, Colleen. But you got a beautiful haibun out of it. <3

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    1. Today, it’s warm, about 58 F. Yesterday we couldn’t get above freezing! Thanks so much, Diana. I’m ready for some spring like temperatures.

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  10. I have to get up very early to catch the crows. A few mornings that I did there were hundreds of them going from east to west, sometimes taking a break in threes lining the creek. But they weren’t that noisy.


  11. I really like the humor and ironic tone in this piece, Colleen. Although I don’t envy you in the slightest!


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    1. It has been a real roller coaster with Michigan’s weather. One day it’s warm and the next it’s freezing. Never a dull moment.

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  12. Colleen, I tried to write a Haibun once, but the way it was explained to me, I really didn’t understand. What I came up with was nothing even close to the beautiful poetic feel that you have created here. Thank you for a lovely example of this form of poetry. I may have to try it again now that I better see how it should be done. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kaye Lynn, go back to my Word Craft: Prose and Poetry book and reread the section about haibun. It’s really a lovely form. The haiku should have a season word (kigo) and not describe what you already said in the prose. Pick another aspect for the haiku that somehow connects to the prose but gives your reader a sense of that aha moment. That juxtaposition between the two is what makes the haibun. Join the challenge anytime. It’s a great place to practice. 💜


  13. That annonymous comment above was me. Guess I wasn’t logged in. Ooops!

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  14. roller coaster weather, I see. Perhaps it’s nature’s way of balancing back the scales. Though late. Though I always heard Mother Nature was never late.
    but look at you— lovely photos and words you got from this 👏🏽

    love the haibun so much. Thank you Colleen. Xoxo Selma


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