For Tanka Tuesday this week, I wrote a series of haiku using the kigo words from the challenge post HERE:

tranquil dawn
the mourning dove's call

after the rainbow
birds enter clouds
a friend's funeral

hazy moon
moisture between
the windows

© Colleen Chesebro

Speaking of windows… Tuesday, we get our windows replaced. Yes, the seals are broken and we have moisture between the panes. Soon, we will have replaced everything in this house. This house is twenty years old, but I don’t believe the builder used top-notch materials back then. It’s going to be a busy week, but I will have the challenge up on Tanka Tuesday. It will take me the rest of the week to put the house back together again.

I also received a lovely message from Robbie Cheadle on Facebook yesterday. She painted a leopard, my favorite cat! She called this painting: “Into the Light—Leopard.” I love how the ☀️ light ☀️ reflects in this painting! Robbie is a gifted artist, poet, and author.

© Robbie Cheadle

The rest of the week found me fully immersed in the writing of my paranormal cozy mystery. The community is taking form and so are my characters. This is the first draft, and I have a way to go until the finished product. Yay! I’m almost one quarter of the way through. 🥳 🪻

I’ve had fun playing with images from the Bing Copilot. In this image, I imagined the Lavender Dreams Tea Shop interior. It’s a lot of fun to bring your imagination to life.

If you celebrate Easter, may this time bring you peace. 🕊️

Thanks for Sharing!

52 responses to “Part II: The Spring Equinox, haiku”

  1. I like the first haiku the most. The unanswered call of the morning dove makes it seem more mournful.

    Good luck with the windows! I hate when house projects are going on, but it will be great when they’re finished!

    There’s a lot of personality in Robbie’s leopard!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Merril. Ugh, on the windows. We’ve been chilly all winter. We had that one cold snap, and that did it. There are others in our neighborhood having the same issues. It’s going to be a long week.

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      1. You’re welcome. That’s not fun.
        We live in an old house, so there are lots of issues–too many to fix.😂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Well, some things you have to fix. It’s not a choice. We had a leaking patio door last year we replaced and we’re still having issues. Waiting on parts is crazy these days.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Yes, that’s true. We definitely had to replace our old roof several years back.

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            1. I’m sure that will be the next thing. 😒

              Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome, Robbie! 💙

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  2. I do love your poems Colleen they are so good, I am sorry you have lost a friend. I really like the Kigo words this month …really so special.

    its good to hear your book is progressing so well and that’s a great AI picture of the Lavender Café.

    Good luck with the window fitters next week I don’t envy you.

    I love Robbie’s tiger too 💜💜💜💜

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Willow Sis. I should have said that I wrote the sad poem for Selma, who lost her best friend last week. Happy Easter. Sending you lots of love! 💕

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s sad for Selma. Happy Easter to you too 💜💜💜💜

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Your creativity is springing into action here (not like you lack in that department) Happy Easter, Sis!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Sis. The sad poem was for Selma, whose best friend passed suddenly. 💟

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Lovely haiku, Colleen. Very serene and a little sad there in the middle. Mourning doves made it into my poetry this week too. Tis’ the season.

    Robbie’s picture is gorgeous, isn’t it? And I’m glad you’re having some fun with AI images. They really do help inspire settings and descriptions. Congrats on making progress on your book!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Diana 🙏💙. I must try out AI art some time. I’m trying not to pick up new hobbies.

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      1. LOL. The good thing about “free” AI art is that there are limits on the number you can create daily. That keeps the time-suck to a minimum. 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

          1. That’s true of the ones I use, Bing and Leonardo. 🙂

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        1. LOL! That’s so true. This has been so fun, though, helping me think about my characters and the tea shop. I even drew a map of the town! LOL!

          Liked by 2 people

          1. Nice! I find it helpful in providing little details I hadn’t considered.

            Liked by 2 people

            1. Exactly, especially when you’re still forming your character’s personalities.

              Liked by 1 person

      2. I’ve been using the Bing search engine (CoPilot) for my AI art. You can earn points by reading articles that goes toward the images. They are great for character and setting planning in your books. Have fun, Robbie. No new hobbies. LOL! 💜

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I promised hubby no new hobbies 😉

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    2. Thanks, Diana. The sad poem was for Selma, who lost her best friend. When she told me, that haiku came to mind. I’m so ready for spring! LOL!

      Liked by 2 people

  5. such lovely haiku, Colleen ❤

    BTW, you should add 'baker' to Robbie's list 😉

    Much love,

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, David 🙏🩵

      Liked by 2 people

    2. LOL! She has quite the list, I kept it to a minimum, but she’s an excellent accountant too!

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  6. Hi Colleen, a beautiful trio of poems. Thank you for sharing the leopard. I enjoy all cats and I’m delighted you like this one 🌹❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The leopard has always intrigued me, Robbie. I love all cats: domestic & large cats. They are fascinating to watch. 🐆

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  7. I love your haiku, Colleen. I can relate to the first one since we have doves nesting in our outdoor plants. 💗

    Liked by 1 person

    1. How lovely. It’s been pretty chilly lately, so I don’t hear the birds as often as I’d like. It’s going to warm up soon. I’m sure of it! LOL! 😂


  8. Lovely Haikus, Collen. A beautiful painting by Robbie. Kudos to both of you. 🙂


  9. I LOVE your three haiku! When the seal breaks on a double-pane window, it looks terrible. We had to replace our deck slider after we moved into this house for that reason. Kudos on your cozy mystery progress!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Liz. We had to replace the slider last summer too! The windows are a mess. It’s supposed to rain tomorrow (4/2) so I hope it holds off until we get the windows in!

      The second haiku I wrote for Selma. She lost her best friend last week.

      I’m having a blast writing my cozy mystery. I love the genre. It’s kind of a formula, but I enjoy the way the stories flow. My story will have paranormal aspects. (Of course)! LOL!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome, Colleen. I’m sorry to heart Selma lost her best friend.

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        1. Thanks, Liz. I felt bad for Selma. 💖

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  10. All three were lovely. The second one was veery moving.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I wrote the second one for Selma. She lost her best friend last week. Thanks so much, Rall. 💟


  11. Wonderful post and photos. The leopard is lovely. Its reflecting light is majestic. I like your tea shop graphic. I think it would be a calming place to visit and shop. 🐆🫖🌞❤️


  12. you are so special

    after the rainbow
    birds enter clouds
    a friend’s funeral

    © Colleen Chesebro

    thanks dearly 🙇🏽‍♀️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sending you hugs and love, Selma. 💖

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Our builder (our place is over 30 years old) did not use the greatest products. We done many updates. The best one was the picture window in the dining room – where once two double hungs were. Good luck!

    Oooh… nice tea shop! 🙂


  14. Lovely haikus,Colleen. The funeral bit was sad. I read from your comments that Selma’s friend passed away.

    We had an issue with the seal on the windows in our house in Dhaka and each time the wind blew hard, the windows would rattle wildly. I can’t imagine how cold it must have been for you during the winter.

    I’ve never tried AI anything. I’m slow with technology. I don’t trust it :). Your AI art is good.

    Robbie’s tiger is wonderful. She’s managed to capture it’s grace and power beautifully.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Smitha. Our windows had moisture between them and the seals were gone. Plus, there was no insulation around the windows and the cold was coming in all the time. But… what a difference now that the new windows are in. I’ve spent two days cleaning! Dirt and dust everywhere. Of course it rained the day the windows were replaced. It was so cold. But, it’s done. I’m taking today to rest and recharge. I’m exhausted. 💟

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s good to know it’s all done now. Time to rest and have a nice cup of hot chocolate or anything else that you fancy🙂🧡


  15. I’m grateful to you Colleen for the beautiful Haiku—it’s touching that you did that one for me.
    My friend who died on Monday the 25th in Toronto came to visit me last April during NaPoWriMo. I mentioned her often during that time as our families gypsied together in Osaka for a week. We even went to Universal Studios.

    I’m slowly accepting what happened.
    but they do things differently there in Toronto; or they might have many deaths at this time. My friend’s funeral is on April 13th. —the funeral home has been booked to capacity. 🤷

    anyway, imagining all that I’m imagining makes it hard to get closure. But I feel I’m closer now. We need to bury our dead.
    I needed to share this with you. I will be so much better after April 13th.
    on a fun note, Japan is exploding this weekend: the cherry blossoms everywhere.
    here’s a haiku for YOU.

    first shared with Suzette who inspired it:

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I wonder if they have a link to the funeral you could watch from their site. You should ask. That might help you feel better. ❤️‍🩹


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