My Weekly Highlights

It’s been a busy few weeks. Summer is quickly sliding into mid-Michigan. Our temperatures are in the 80s F. which is warm for the last few weeks of May.

I bought some red and pink geraniums this weekend for the pots outside the front of our house. I managed to get them planted in between the grumbling storms that suddenly appear, then disappear.

This week, I’ll find some time to get more pots for the back deck. We have no trees, and receive direct westerly sun. This makes the perfect environment to grow herbs. I hope to grow a “tea” garden.

Summer brings us outside more, and lawn mowing is a weekly chore. My husband is older than me, but I try to help him as much as possible. After a long day of writing, we meet at 4 pm each afternoon to sit on the porch and enjoy the weather before dinner.

In between all the other things I do around the house, and my poetry writing, I’ve been working on my cozy mystery. The book features three sisters—triplets who, after their aunt’s tragic murder, inherit the aunt’s tea shop and lavender farm in Michigan.

The first sister, Violet, is an accountant. She’s the main sleuth. The next sister, is Marigold. She’s a home economics teacher. The last sister, is Lily. She’s a Reiki Master, and yoga instructor. There are plenty of secrets! Violet and her sisters are determined to find out what happened to their aunt.

You know, I can’t write anything without some paranormal events. How about some fairy magic, and a talking cat? There might be a witch or two! You never know what I’ll come up with!

I’m behind on book reviews, so that is a priority this week. I have a special guest who will be here later in the week as well. See you later!

Our afternoon break

I’m here to help you with your book publishing needs. 💖

Thanks for sharing! 🌸💖🌸

36 responses to “My Weekly Highlights”

  1. Your home is lovely, Colleen, and the geraniums add a beautiful splash of color. We make good use of our balcony when the weather cooperates, and enjoy the birds and lush green trees. Our apartment complex is situated in a natural environment with lots of trees and shrubs. 💚

    Your book sounds fascinating and I can’t until you finish writing it. ❣️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m still fleshing out the characters and the mystery. I’m only in the beginning, but the story is coming together. I’ll need first draft beta readers at some point. I’ll let everyone know. Thanks for your support, Eugi. I love sitting outside in the afternoons. It’s a pleasant spot. 💖

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      1. My pleasure, Colleen. ❤️

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  2. I love the sound of your cozy mystery. Your house looks wonderful and perfect for sitting and having a cup of tea together. Funny but we do something similar. Our terrace faces an abandoned lemon grove which hosts many birds. So around 3:00 pm we have a cup of tea and sit, watch the birds and catch up. We also eat our dinner there. I think we both live charmed lives.

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    1. I love that we both spend time in nature, Darlene! My husband usually enjoys a cocktail, and I drink tea or some days a ginger ale. We have several hawks in the neighborhood and it’s fun to watch them catch the thermals as they float through the sky. We have kids in the neighborhood and they are always fun to watch. 💖

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      1. Kids are always fun to watch. We have two dogs who we enjoy watching too. They love to chase geckos who disappear under rocks and they wonder where they went! Too funny.

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        1. We used to have two Pomeranian sisters. They did the same thing. Now, we have the two cats. They sit in front of the storm door and look outside. What would we do without our pets (aka furry kids). LOL!

          Liked by 1 person

  3. Gwen M. Plano Avatar

    Your cozy mystery has my attention, Colleen! With three sisters and three brothers, I love stories involving family dynamics. Your home looks beautiful, and it shines even brighter with the lovely potted geraniums. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Gwen. I’m fleshing out the characters. Triplets have an interesting dynamic. They’re almost psychic in picking up the emotions of their sisters. I was looking for something different. I spent a long time deciding where the story was going to go. It’s all about the journey. LOL! 💖

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  4. I love your red and pink geranium, Colleen. I bought the same colors but planted them in my new garden. You have no trees and we have too many. The sky high pine trees outside of our fence block most of the sun. There are three pine trees in our backyard. I wanted to have one cut down but it would cost $3,500. So we just forget about it for now.

    I like your cozy mystery very much. Tell us some more about it as it develops.

    It’s a lovely idea to set a time to sit down with your husband for tea time. We don’t have a set time to do something like that but we go to the gym and workout together twice a week.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s fabulos that you spend time with your husband, Miriam. The geraniums are such great splashes of color. After my peonies bloom, I only have greenery out front. I’m working away on my cozy. I know where I’m going, I just have to get there. LOL! 😂

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      1. It’s a good feeling that you know where you’re going with your cozy, Colleen. 💕

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        1. Thanks, Miriam. It’s good to have the ending in your mind so you head in the right direction.

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          1. I know how it goes, Colleen. ❤

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Thanks so much, Miriam. 💖

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              1. You’re welcome, Colleen. 😊


  5. Wasn’t retirement supposed to be less active? Yes we can be busier than ever! I know about mowing… and help with that too. And planting… I wasn’t going to, but I picked up a couple of different cherry tomato plants, and I still have to plant the large iris and transfer the mosquito repellent plants into larger pots for the front porch. And I haven’t finishe cleaning out the hedge row either… 😉

    Your cosy mystery sounds delightful. I’ve actually found a few Agatha Christie’s I haven’t read. And picked up another cozy Amish myster from the Little Free Library!

    Stay cool, calm and collected. (((Hugs)))

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Retirement is about doing the things that bring you pleasure. Passion projects are so worthwhile. I love mysteries, and especially if they add some paranornal elements. Agatha Christie… One of my favorites. I also love the Father Brown mysteries. They are fabulous! 💜

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      1. We just started watching ‘Harry Wild’ with Jane Seymour. – All of the mysteries pieces… I use bits from everything I read and see. So yes, for me ‘writing’ in my retirement is a joy!

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        1. I love that about your writing, Jules. 💖

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          1. Glad my joy comes through 🙂

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            1. Yes! Your joy is loud and clear. 🩷

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  6. D.L. Finn, Author Avatar
    D.L. Finn, Author

    I can’t believe summer is almost here! I love the sound of your WIP.! I look forward to it

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much. I’ll need beta readers, if you’re interesting and have time. 💗

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      1. D.L. Finn, Author Avatar
        D.L. Finn, Author

        I’m very interested Colleen 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thanks so much!! I’ll let you know, Denise. I want to have two in the series written before I publish. I keep plugging along. 💖

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  7. I love that you and your husband have a 4PM date to sit on the porch together. Love your flowers, too!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Thanks, Merril. We try to keep our late afternoon date all summer long. It’s a great way to enjoy nature together.


  9. Your geraniums are lovely. They give a bright smile to your corner.
    A “tea” garden has a pleasant, charming ring to it. I can hardly wait to see what herbs you plant in it.
    You and your husband share such a special gift. Spending time together on the porch is like little vacations to us. No matter how often or how long we sit. Honestly, there have been times in our lives, when relaxing on our back porch saved our sanity and calmed our spirits.
    Your book is going to be an enchanting mystery. The characters sound interesting and fun. I look forward to your release date. ❤️📖

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, E.C. I had a hard time finding herbs, but I planted chamomile, spearmint, lavender, and lemon thyme; one tomato, and catnip! I’ll do a post about my “pot” garden soon. I won’t release this book until I have the second one finished. It’s good to keep talking about my writing. It keeps me updated with everyone. 💖

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      1. Oh my, I love the tomato growing amongst the herbs. It’ll be a tasty splash of colors when the fruit ripens. The fragrance from your container garden will be amazing. Every year I have a large red container of basil growing on my porch for the fragrance with slight breezes. And a bit of cooking with it too. And I’m under the impression that it also is a bit of an insect repellant. A charming bonus is, hummingbirds and golden finches enjoy the blooms too.
        Wow, you’re writing 2 at once. That’s so cool. I enjoy anything you have to say or write about your books. 📖📗❤️

        Liked by 1 person

  10. Thanks so much, E.C. I’m enjoying the spring so far this year. The heat is on the way, though! 💖

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  11. Lovely plants and flowers. Love your porch.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Ruth. I enjoy our afternoon break. The sounds of the birds and kids in the neighborhood are rejuvenating!

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I’m Colleen Chesebro, the weaver of enchanting tales on Here, I conjure magic through prose and poetry, inviting you to join me on a captivating writing journey. Whether it’s the rhythmic verses of poetry or the cozy mysteries that beckon, I’m thrilled you’ve stopped by. 🌸💖🌸



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