I’m LATE!! Here are a couple of haiku for #TankaTuesday that are perfect for the early summer season we’re in right now.

a tangle of roses 
the wooden fence
hidden between us


a scented breeze
abuzz with bees

© Colleen Chesebro

I'm continuing to work on my cozy mystery and the book is progressing well. This has been a wonderful journey.

I've had some news from my eye doctor. My eyes have progressively gotten worse, and my cataracts have gotten worse.

I'll look at this issue next year. But, in the meantime, I will have to go back to a dark background. The glare makes it hard to write on WP. Since they don't offer a dark view, I'll have to add it through my theme.

Happy Sunday, everyone!

Thanks for Sharing!

51 responses to “Midsummer Dreams”

  1. Loved the haikus Colleen 💕
    You must take care of your eyes 🙏

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! This getting older is for the birds. LOL! Thanks so much. 🙏🏻


      1. I know 😉
        My pleasure 💕 take care.

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  2. Ahh how lovely, especially the lavender and bees.

    Cataracts is horrible to have to deal with 😔 my daughter is in optrics, surgery is very good if you can have this….? take care


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    1. Thanks, Suzanne. Yes, our medicare will cover the surgery. I just don’t want to deal with it. LOL! I’m hoping to wait one more year. In the meantime, all the dark backgrounds really help me. Thank goodness for Dark Reader. I think I can get it to work when we’re creating posts. Fingers crossed.

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      1. 🤞 I totally know what you mean… I would be same … 💞

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  3. Lovely verse Colleen. Sorry to hear about your eyes.

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    1. Thanks, Brad. I’ve been struggling with my eyes for a few years. I’m putting off surgery for as long as I can.

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        1. I am, Brad. Thanks so much. I have a great doctor. If it gets worse, I’ll go and see him.

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  4. The haiku convey so much in a few words. I’m so sorry about your eyes, Colleen. That’s no fun! My husband was very pleased he had cataract surgery. It was quick and painless, and he could see better almost immediately.

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    1. Thanks so much, Merril. I’m not on social security yet (next year) and I’m paying my medicare premium out of pocket. If I can go one more year, I’ll be in better shape. Medicare covers the surgery (I think). I have to look into it deeper. I’ve only heard good news about the surgery. I had lasik done on my eyes in my 40s. I still ended up wearing glasses because of my astigmatism. I’m so glad your hubby’s eyes improved. That’s great news.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome, Colleen. Good luck!💙

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  5. Beautiful haiku, Colleen. I had cataracts surgery done in my right eye and opted for laser surgery because I had other issues with my eye. The surgery and healing process was painless and I was back to reading in less than a week. I still prefer dark backgrounds because my eyes take in too much light, and I wear tinted glasses to help with brightness. 💟

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have super sensitive eyes the glare is really difficult. I’ve moved everything to a dark background. I have glasses that cut out the light for when I’m on the computer. My office has to be dark with a minimal amount of light. It’s the glare that gets me. I had lasik surgery in my 40s. I have ocular rosecsea so that is another problem. Right now, my left eye is worse than my right. I’m paying for medicare out of pocket right now until next year. I’ll look at the surgery once I’m on social security to cover out of pocket costs. Thanks so much, Eugi. At least I know you’ve been through this so I have someone to talk to about it. 💖

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      1. Wow! You have some serious eye issues, Colleen. Anytime, you want to talk about it, I’ll be here. 💗
        I renewed my driver’s license last week and thanks to the eye surgery, I passed the vision test. Woo hoo! ❣️

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        1. Woo hoo! That’s great news, Eugi. I take a mild dose antibiotic to keep the rosecsea in check. You’re right. The dark background makes all the difference. If I can get it to work on the blog!

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          1. I love the dark background and Dark Reader. I wouldn’t be able to write or read without them. 😎

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            1. That’s where I’m at now. I have to use the dark reader for answering comments on the side menu. Too much white glare!!


  6. Tis the season for the bees to get busy isn’t it, and the blossoms are only too happy to oblige. The clover is going rampant in the yard for them also.

    Best to you on the eye situation. I need to get in to have mine looked at also.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This getting older makes it hard. Thanks so much, Lisa. Next year, I will definitely get the surgery done. You should go in too! We can’t write without our eyes. xx

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      1. You’re very welcome, and thanks for the encouragement, my friend.

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  7. Gwen M. Plano Avatar
    Gwen M. Plano

    Gorgeous Haiku, Colleen. ❤️ Take good care of your eyes and rest when needed. I can’t stare at the screen as much as I used to. As you mentioned, getting older is for the birds. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. LOL! I’m okay with a dark screen. Cataracts made everything hard to see clearly. Plus, the glare almost kills me. LOL! Take care Gwen. 💖


  8. Lavender is so refreshing.
    Good luck with your eyes. My cataracts come and go in bothersomeness, but the macular pucker is the real problem–something they can do nothing about. For me, dark backgrounds are worse–I can’t read them at all. If I catch you in the Reader I’ll be OK though. (K)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh Kerfe. I’m so sorry about the macular issues. That is one thing that is good for me. It’s the glare and haziness that makes it so hard for me to see. I have everything set to dark backgrounds except the blogs. If I can get them fixed, I can write. Even Scrivener, which I use for my book has a dark background. Take care. 💖

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      1. I’m glad you have a solution! We are very dependent on our vision.

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        1. Thanks, Kerfe. I left the comments blocks white, so that should help a bit. 💖

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  9. delightful haiku, Colleen… bummer about your eyes though… it’s a common thing, right? (I think?)

    much love,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cataracts are common. I’m only 66, and my husband is 76. He doesn’t have them! LOL! Oh well, it’s a safe surgery. I just want to get situated before I have the surgery done. 💖

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      1. unrelated: you tried the “creator” plan, right?

        are you still on it? do you find it helpful?

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I have Tanka Tuesday on the Creator Plan. It’s a waste of money. It doesn’t do anything more than the Premium plan, or whatever it’s called now. If you want to use a lot of plugins, it works fine. I have my author blog back on the plan below and it’s the same. Don’t waste your money. You have to pay more for the fancier FSE themes. WP will tell you to change your theme if you want to take advantage of the plugins. This is what I’ve been told. xx

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  10. Take care of those eyes!!

    We had an older Vet friend who ended up getting a special machine – to enlarge print to read. At that point though he was in his 90!

    I don’t have roses… but the milkweed is full of bees! 🐝

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    1. Thanks Jules. I have to photograph my lavender. It’s full of bees and has grown huge. I’ll get the surgery next year. In the meantime, dark backgrounds help me so much.

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      1. Keep on Keepin’ on! (((Hugs)))

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        1. Summer Solstice HUGS, Jules! ☀️

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  11. Lovely haiku, Colleen! All the best for eye surgery dear friend, it sounds simple, as some of my friends say and their vision has improved dramatically.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! That’s what I’ve been told. I will do this next year. I’ve only heard good results from the surgery. 🩷

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  12. Enjoyed your Haiku, Colleen. My best wishes for your eyes, take care. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Aishwarya. 🙏🏻🩵


  13. Hi Colleen, your haiku are gorgeous. I wrote but didn’t manage to post in time. Between Father’s Day yesterday and renovations starting today, as well as getting the new books sorted, it’s been crazy. I’ll double post this week.

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    1. That sounds good, Robbie. I have your post ready. I’ll have it post tomorrow and will share around. After the heat breaks this week, we have to paint the inside of the garage. It’s always something, isn’t it?

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  14. That is wonderful. Thank you 💛. Yes, maintenance is never ending.


  15. Lovely haiku! Don’t wait too long to get cataract surgery.

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    1. I’ll be ready next summer, Dawn. Thanks so much. I have to plan everything out.


  16. I’m sad to hear you’re having eye troubles. My husband had cataract surgery earlier this month on his left eye and will have the right eye surgery at the end of this month. Thankfully, he’s healing and progressing well.
    I read through some of the comments, and I understand why you’re waiting to have the surgery. I wish you the best, my positive thoughts are with you. ❤️

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    1. E.C. I’m so glad you’re husband is doing well. Next year will work out fine. The darker backgrounds help so much. Thanks so much for your kind comments. Sending you love and hugs right back! 💖

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